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Looking forward to the year ahead

Surveys Managed by Project Management System for Salford

New College Durham goes Paperless with PDAs and Web-based Help Desk

Teesside introduce Asbestos Monitoring and Management System

Sussex adopt a phased approach to condition surveys

Liverpool carry out Space Utilisation Survey

Sunderland use LTM Planning Grid to consider maintenance scenarios

Trinity College Carmarthen Fire Risk Assessment

Newport Estate Strategy gives City Centre presence

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Looking forward to the year ahead
2011 has seen growth in both our staff and client base, and we will continue to expand our products and services in the coming year.

New software will include web-based functionality such as space management, projects and stock cataloguing.

On the survey side the company will continue to expanding its portfolio that includes:

- Condition surveys
- Statutory compliance
- DDA Audits
- Asbestos surveys
- Energy performance
- Fire risk assessments
- Functional Suitability
- Space Utilisation
- Space Audits
- Energy audits

Quantarc are keen to provide information in an easy to use format, and will design both the survey and the software to meet your needs.

Surveys Managed by Project Management System for Salford
The University of Salford have been keeping Quantarc busy with numerous surveys including condition surveys and DDA audits.

The University is now making sense of the data with the Project Administration module of QuEMIS.

Their tried and tested management protocols have been incorporated into the system and project information is now accessible to all members of the project and management teams.

New College Durham goes Paperless with PDAs and Web-based Help Desk
Quantarc software has created a dramatic change in the way the help desk is run at New College Durham.

With the implementation of the Quantarc web-based Help Desk in conjunction with QuEMIS and the PDAs, the managed services help desk has been transformed into a paperless environment.

The web-based help desk enables users to track requests and jobs more conveniently, resulting in improved efficiency and faster turnaround of jobs.

The maintenance team have taken to the system with great enthusiasm, and can now effectively record how they spend their time without the need for a paper-chase.

The college is continuing to use the system to their advantage, with the numerous reports giving them the information they need for effective management and benchmarking.
Teesside introduce Asbestos Monitoring and Management System
The Quantarc Asbestos Survey and Management System has been introduced at the University of Teesside.

As the package is web-based, contractors and trades staff are able to check the status of any location from any Internet accessible point. The package has a 'drill down' graphical interface that clearly shows the location of asbestos containing materials.

The Estates team recognised the need for an easily accessible asbestos register that is not only up-to-date and comprehensive, but user friendly and readily available to those who need it. The Quantarc package has been able to meet these requirements whilst providing valuable support throughout the implementation process.
Sussex adopt a phased approach to condition surveys
The University of Sussex wanted to have a phased approach to its condition survey needs whilst being able to produce a forward plan for all buildings and sites.

An overview of the condition of each building has been input into the Quantarc Planning Grid. This will be a major plank in the University's Estate Strategy development process and the data will be used to assess the economic life of the buildings.

As each condition survey phase is completed it will update the data in the grid.

Liverpool carry out Space Utilisation Survey
Quantarc have recently carried out a space utilisation survey at the University of Liverpool.

This is the first comprehensive survey the University has implemented, and covered two sites and over 550 rooms.

The Estates team have found the results very interesting and are now using the reports produced by Quantarc to help in the future planning of the Estate’s teaching areas.

Sunderland use LTM Planning Grid to consider maintenance scenarios
The University of Sunderland have found planning their Long Term Maintenance easier to manage through the use of the QuEMIS LTM Grid.

The Grid enables users to view the results of their condition surveys in an easy to manage condensed manner, and allows them to create different scenarios through drag and drop technology.

Costs can be 'smoothed' to remove peaks and troughs. Scenarios can be created for different elements (e.g. window replacement) or different work types (e.g. Statutory). The
handling of masses of data becomes more manageable.

Trinity College Carmarthen Fire Risk Assessment
A fire risk assessment has been carried out at Trinity College Carmarthen, following on from space utilisation, functional suitability and condition surveys over the past year.

Fire risk plans were drawn up in AutoCAD following the survey and are now being used as information points throughout the buildings.

The surveys have been valuable in the management of the Estate and in the completion of the EMS returns and the production of the Estate Strategy, which were completed with Quantarc’s help.

Newport Estate Strategy gives City Centre presence
The University of Wales Newport has been keen to have a presence in Newport City Centre for a number of years.

It was felt that the internationally renowned school of Art, Media and Design would see significant benefits from this and that an increase in student numbers would result.

As the developer of the strategy, Quantarc were able to show that by improving space utilisation and the disposal of one of the sites, the University could achieve its goals within the available funding.

Quantarc: 01792 301910
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Ground Floor, Cardigan House, Castle Court, Swansea Enterprise Park, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9LA.
Telephone: (01792) 301910, Fax: (01792) 301931, Email: info@quantarc.co.uk